NBC - Channel 5 DFW
How to prepare for a property tax protest
CBS Texas
Real estate property appraisals being sent out
CBS Texas
Protesting high property appraisals
What to Know If You Plan to Protest Property Tax Appraisal
Dallas Morning News Watchdog
2022 Property Tax Seminar with Dave Lieber
North Texas property values on the rise yet again
NBC - Channel 5 DFW
If You Want to Protest Property Taxes, Here’s How
Dallas Morning News Watchdog
NBC - Channel 5 DFW
Dallas, Collin, and Tarrant County Homeowners Have Until May 17, 2021 to Protest Property Values
The Dallas Morning News:
The Dallas Morning News:
Click on the following articles to read:
Why Texas’ property tax system is unfair to us all, even a school board president whose home lost value
Meet this property tax consultant and hear his advice about how to win a tax protest. He’s a shark.
NEW! Full transcript of The Watchdog’s 2020 Property Tax & 2020 Appraisal Protest Seminar Video