Our individualized approach and expertise ensures NTPTS clients realize the highest average tax savings every year.

Incredible Easy to work with. Very Professional and Smart. It was a breath of Fresh Air working with this Company. I wish I would have done it Years ago. I gave them my entire Real Estate Portfolio to work and got incredible results.
We provide residential tax appeal services, specializing in high-end properties in Dallas, Collin, Denton, and Tarrant counties
Property Tax
Protests - Continuous Appraisal Monitoring
Services - Homeowner Association Services
Property Tax Protests
Texas homeowners should review their appraised value annually and file an appeal. To ensure you achieve maximum savings, consider working with a property tax protest company like NTPTS.
- Our full-time, in-house tax consultants perform an individual analysis of your property.
- We file paperwork, gather evidence, review tax exemptions, and attend hearings on your behalf.
- Clients only pay a fee to NTPTS when we achieve a reduction in value. No Reduction, No Fee.
Continuous Appraisal Monitoring
93% of NTPTS clients remain long-term clients after their first property tax appeal. We ensure that you always receive the lowest possible appraised value for your property.
- Your full-time tax consultant monitors your appraised value, changes to your home, and the real estate market each year.
- We review changes to legislation or appraisal techniques that could help in winning your appeal.
- Unlike other firms, NTPTS does not accept blanket settlements. We work on every account individually.
Realtor Services
Real estate agents know when clients receive their notices of appraised value in April. Let NTPTS help your clients with their property tax protests.
- Save time and resources and let our consultants assist your clients with their property tax appeals.
- Our consultants understand the appraisal district’s classification system and mass appraisal process, which helps your clients receive a larger reduction.
- We partner with agents and firms to present information on property taxes and appeals.
Homeowner Association Services
Our knowledge and expertise can help your board and HOA members save money on their property taxes.
- NTPTS has extensive experience protesting and winning based on the Fair and Equal protest.
- We provide continuous appraisal monitoring to help lower property values annually.
- We can attend meetings and conduct presentations on the appeal process.
NBC - Texas Legislature
Texas lawmakers again look to buy down local property taxes -
NBC – Channel 5 DFW
How to prepare for a property tax protest -
CBS Texas - Real estate property appraisals being sent out
Real estate property appraisals have increase again -
CBS Texas - Protesting high property appraisals
What to consider when choosing a company to file a protest on your behalf -
NBC – Channel 5 DFW
What to Know If You Plan to Protest Property Tax Appraisal -
Dallas Morning News Watchdog
2022 Property Tax Seminar with Dave Lieber -
North Texas property values are on the rise yet again -
Dallas Morning News Watchdog
2021 Property Tax Seminar with Dave Lieber -
NBC – Channel 5 DFW
Dallas, Collin, and Tarrant County Homeowners Have Until May 17, 2021 to Protest Property Values -
NBC – Channel 5 DFW
If You Want to Protest Property Taxes, Here’s How -
NBC – Channel 5 DFW
Property Tax Appraisal Protests See Changes Due to COVID-19